Suppliers and Engravers of crystal and glass for awards, presentations and prizes

It's not always about the glass........Rugby is important too and so is our Dad


Last Saturday I went to watch my old school, RBAI play Campbell College in the quarter finals of the Ulster Schools' Cup.

It was a sad occasion for me as my Dad wasn't able to make it being rather ill at the moment.

He hardly missed a Schools' Cup game where Inst were involved and so many folk spoke to me about him....wishing him well.


Dad played in 2 Schools' Cup finals, losing 1 but winning the 2nd one as Captain. He captained Ulster Schools that year (1951) and had a senior debut for the full Ulster side (against Connacht) while still eligible for the Schools' side.

I shall miss his company and enthusiasm for school rugby which started when he played as a youth, following my brother & I during our playing days and the school for as long as I can remember.

I think he had been to every Schools' Cup final since he started Inst bar one or two. I reckon he's been to around 64 Schools' Cup finals!! He just loved the Cup so much.

We will miss him .......






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