Suppliers and Engravers of crystal and glass for awards, presentations and prizes

COVID-19 and all that it entails

For the first time in 45 odd years  (in my living memory anyway) we have had to close the doors of our family business that was established in 1946.

We survived an incendiary device attack in 1970, a terrorist bomb in 1972 (which destroyed EVERYTHING) and numerous recessions since then.

After the bomb in 1972, while the buildings were lying in rubble, my parents brought their caravan up to the site and slept in it to protect what little was left. They also converted it into an office and answered the phones, took orders and tried to 'carry on'!!

Dad and his co-director Ernest took the van to England on numerous occasions to replenish stock so the company could continue to trade. They were testing times for sure although very many businesses and families were in the same position at that time.

The biggest selling items then were 'Business as Usual' signs which were seen on all boarded up shops and offices that had been damaged by bombs.

For all that sadness & pain of yesteryear this is more serious as COVID-19 is indiscrminate, deadly and easily spread. We all have to play our part.

Keep well and stay safe out there.


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